Let us show you the system in action
Solution to data management –collection, validation, verification, consolidation –best practices in data quality.
Identity and Access Management (IAM)
The solution supports Single Sign-On (SSO), Active Directory (AD) & Identity Federation.
The solutions supports Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) if required”, and move as the second sentence.
Users must be authenticated against AD on premises and AAD online.
Secure application user access
Network traffic, in Dev, Test/staging or Production is encrypted & secured using HTTPS, API’s or Connectors.
All sensitive data is encrypted both in transit and in rest.
Role & user level-based authorisation
Authorisation Policy Management allows for specific permissions to be created.
These permissions allow the creation of custom user groups & roles with permissions assigned to each
The solution has a strong authorisation approach, such as role-based access control.
The authorisation system integrates with AD (groups) and the least-privilege and need-to-know principles to be considered.
Web Services Security
Some of the key security measures for web services included are; HTTPS or TLS 1.3 secure protocol, AuthZ, Username,
password, tokens, or certs to control access.
Message Integrity through digital certs or Auth codes.
Message confidentiality through encryption. Input validation and error handing mechanisms.
Auditing & logging functionality.
Regular security testing & Vulnerability assessments are conducted.
Compliance with security standards such as ISO 27001, PCI-DSS (in progress)